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Adv Pgm: 1st ACM Conf. on Computer and Communications Security
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***** 1st ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security ******
Nov 3-5 1993, Fairfax, Virginia
Hosts: Bell Atlantic and George Mason U
In cooperation and participation from:
International Association of Cryptologic Research
IEEE Communications Society TC on Network Operations and Management
IEEE Computer Society TC on Security and Privacy
Washington DC Chapter ACM
CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS: We invite your participation in this exciting new
conference whose purpose is to bring together researchers and practitioners
of computer and communications security. Our program offers a unique blend
of cryptography and security theory and practice, with emphasis on the
practical. The conference will be held in the Holiday Inn, Fair Oaks, in
Fairfax, Virginia; minutes from the Nation's Capital. We welcome you to
enjoy an informative and invigorating program, and Washington's pleasant
mid-fall sight-seeing weather.
Registration form and hotel information:
Is given at the end, or can be obtained from George Mason University at:
Ph\#: +1 703-993-2090, Fax\#: +1 703-993-2112,
email: acmccs93\@isse.gmu.edu
November 3rd
Welcome (Dorothy Denning & Ray Pyle)
Session: Applications-1 (Ravi Sandhu)
- Does Licensing require new Access Control Techniques?
(Ralf Hauser)
- A Cryptographic File System for UNIX
(Matt Blaze)
- A Particular Solution to Provide Secure Communication in an
Ethernet environment
(Jordi Forne, Miguel Soriano, Jose Melus and Francisco Recacha)
Session: Cryptographic Protocols - 1 (Michael Weiner)
- Lower Bounds on Messages and Rounds for Network Authentication
(Li Gong)
- Optimality of Multi-Domain Protocols
(Raphael Yahalom)
- On Simple and Secure Key Distribution
(Gene Tsudik and Els Van Herreweghen)
Session: Digital Signatures (Ravi Ganesan)
- The History of RSA -- Invited Talk (Ronald Rivest)
- A New Signature Scheme Based on the DSA Giving Message Recovery
(Kaisa Nyberg and Rainer Rueppel)
- Random Oracles are Practical: A Paradigm for Designing Efficient
(Mihir Bellare and Phillip Rogaway)
- Sorting Out Signature Schemes
(Birgit Pfitzmann)
Session: Legal and Policy Issues (Richard Graveman)
- Avoiding Cryptographic Information Anarchy in Enterprises:
Invited Talk
(Donn Parker)
- Digital Signatures: Can They Be Accepted As Legal Signatures in
(Patrick Brown)
Session: Short Talks (Virgil Gligor)
- Design of the Commercial Data Masking Facility (CDMF) Data
Privacy Algorithm (Don Johnson, Stephen Matyas, An Le and John
- Adding Time to a Logic of Authentication
(Paul Syverson)
- NetCash: A design for practical electronic currency on the
(Gennady Medvinsky and Clifford Neuman)
- Considerations for Security in Personal Communications Systems
(PCS) (Dan Brown)
- A Framework for Distributed Authorization (Thomas Woo and Simon
November 4th
Session: Multilevel and Database (Carl Landwehr)
- A Pump for Rapid, Reliable, Secure Communication
(Myong Kang and Ira Moskowitz)
- Authorizations in Relational Data Base Mgmt. Systems
(Elisa Bertino, Pierangela Samarati and Sushil Jajodia)
- High Assurance Discretionary Access Control for Object Bases
(Elisa Bertino, Pierangela Samarati and Sushil Jajodia)
Session: Applications - 2 (Victoria Ashby)
- Denial of Service - Invited Talk
(Roger Needham)
- Analysis of an Algorithm for Distributed Recognition and
(Terrance Goan, Deborah Frincke, Calvin Ko, Todd heberlein,
Karl Levitt, Biswanath Mukherjee and Chris Wee)
- Integration of DCE and Local Registries
(Ping Lin)
Session: Cryptology (Rainer Rueppel)
- Multiple Encryption and the Economics of DES - Invited Talk
(Whitfield Diffie)
- Systematic Generation of Cryptographically Robust S-boxes
(Jennifer Seberry, Xian-Mo Zhang and Yuliang Zheng)
- Differential Cryptanalysis of Hash Functions Based on a Block
Cipher (Bart Preneel)
- Verifiable Secret Sharing for Monotone Access Structures
(Marcus Otten, Han-Joachim Knobloch and Thomas Beth)
Session: Telecommunications Security (Ravi Ganesan)
- Securing a Global Village and its Resources: Baseline Security
for Interconnected Signaling System 7 Telecommunications Networks
- Invited Talk
(Hank Kluepfel)
- Panel: How Secure is the Public Switched Network?
November 5th
Session: Reliability of Security Systems (Ravi Sandhu)
- Cryptanalysis and Protocol Failure - Invited Talk
(Gustavus Simmons)
- Why Cryptosystems Fail (Ross Anderson)
- Panel: How to Engineer Reliable Security
Session: Cryptgraphic Protocols - 2 (Yacov Yacobi)
- Towards Practical `Proven Secure' Authenticated Key Distribution
(Yvo Desmedt and Mike Burmester)
- Applying Formal Analysis Techniques to Authenticated
Diffie-Hellman Protocols
(Paul Van Oorschot)
- Augmented Encrypted Key Exchange: A Password-Based Protocol
Secure Against Dictionary Attacks and Password File Compromise
(Steve Bellovin and Michael Merritt)
General Chairs Program Committee
-------------- -----------------
Dorothy Denning Victoria Ashby (MITRE)
(Georgetown University) Steve Bellovin (Bell Labs)
Whitfield Diffie (Sun)
Raymond Pyle Taher El Gamal (Oki Data)
(Bell Atlantic) Deborah Estrin (USC)
Joan Feigenbaum (Bell Labs)
Program Chairs Virgil Gligor (U. Maryland)
-------------- Li Gong (SRI)
Richard Graveman (Bellcore)
Ravi Ganesan Sushil Jajodia (GMU)
(Bell Atlantic) Paul Karger (GTE)
Carl Landwehr (NRL)
Ravi Sandhu E. Stewart Lee (U. Toronto)
(George Mason University) Giancarlo Martella (U. Milan)
Michael Merritt (Bell Labs)
Invited Speakers Jonathan Millen (MITRE)
---------------- Clifford Neuman (USC ISI)
Whitfield Diffie (Sun) Steven Rudich (CMU)
Hank Kluepfel (Bellcore) Rainer Rueppel (R3 Sec. Eng.)
Roger Needham (Cambridge U) Eugene Spafford (Purdue U)
Donn Parker (SRI) Jacques Stern (DMI-GRECC)
Ronald Rivest (MIT) Michael Wiener (BNR)
Gustavus Simmons Yacov Yacobi (Bellcore)
****** 1st ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security *******
Nov 3-5 1993, Fairfax, Virginia
Mail or fax (+1 703-993-2112) this form to:
ACMCCS '93 Registration
Center for Professional Development-Business Office
George Mason University
Fairfax, VA 22030-4444
Diane Waters, GMU (Phone: +1 703-993-2090, fax: +1 703-993-2112)
Phone: Fax:
ACM/IEEE Member Number:
Special Meal Requirements: Kosher Vegetarian
ACM/IEEE Member $300 (before 10/1/93) $325 (after 10/1/93)
Non-Members $360 (before 10/1/93) $400 (after 10/1/93)
Students $100 $100
Fees include continental breakfast (11/3-5), lunch (11/3-4) and banquet
(11/4). Student fee is restricted to full-time students, or part-time
students who are unemployed. In either case an advisor's endorsement is
Advisor Name and Signature:
Make checks or money orders payable, in US currency, to GMU/ACMCCS'93
Payment can also be made by purchase order (US organizations only) or
credit card (Visa or Mastercard only).
Cirle one of: VISA Mastercard
Card No: Expiration:
Name on Card: Signature:
HOTEL: Holiday Inn at Fair Oaks, Phone: +1 703 352 2525, Fax: +1 703 352 4771
Rate: $69 (single/double) available until Oct 12
Mention 'ACM Security Conference' to get this rate