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Crunch Time

Hi Folks,

McCandlish forwarded my request for help before I go see a Federal
Reserve Bank President Tuesday 5 April.

Thanks to you all, esp Ms. Dekker of DigiCash.

It's occured to me that Clipper could cripple US banking in the world
financial market due to the 80% opposition exposed by the Time poll.
If all my banking is digitized, my private key ensure's secrurity of
transactions and authentication of user.

If privacy of US Banks are comprimised by Clipper, why can't I bank
in Switzerland?

Hoenig, the KC Federal Reserve President will be in a public forum
10:00 MST 5 April.  I would appreciate your comments on my reasoning
with an eye on turning the Federal Reserve Anti-Clipper.  It's
crunch time folks, so I'll be reading my email up until 09:30 Tuesday.

This is my private battle, so send your email to:

	<eagle@deeptht.armory.com> or <jldavis@nyx.cs.du.edu>
PGP PUBLIC KEY via finger!  JAFEFFM  Speaking & Thinking For Myself!
* eagle@deeptht.armory.com			email info@eff.org *
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