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Re: Cyberspace, Crypto Anarchy, and Pushing Limits

I was getting laid last night and I kept thinking, "Detweiler..."
So this is getting a little weird for me.  I got a proposition for
you guys, just to cut down on the suspicion around here, (and it's
justified suspicion).

I live in Laramie, Wyoming- a mere 60 miles from Detweiler in Ft. Collins.
Any time I get a notion to do so, I will go down to Ft. Collins, hunt down
Detweiler like a crippled dog, and spit on him.  Any time I get a notion
to do so.  That's what anarchy is all about.

BTW- I'm up and around and headed for that Fed Reserve showdown at 10:00.
PGP PUBLIC KEY via finger!  JAFEFFM  Speaking & Thinking For Myself!
* eagle@deeptht.armory.com			email info@eff.org *
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