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Re: Detweilering (was Re: Positive uses for PGP)

In article <Pine.3.89.9404031126.A27596-0100000@krypton.mankato.msus.edu>,
Robert A. Hayden <hayden@krypton.mankato.msus.edu> wrote:
>On Sun, 3 Apr 1994, Mike McNally wrote:
>> I'm not Detweilering; I speak of the ostensible use of the signature
>> chain.)
>Sounds like an entry we need to get put into future versions of a Jargon 

Certainly, but as I recall it was "to detweil", rather than "to
detweiler", though the latter should probably be recorded as a "dialectal
variation".  Someone needs to come up with a precise definition, and I'll
submit it for the Jargon file.  I think some old posts using the term
would be of value for authenticating it.

[NB: I have a far less dim view of LD that most of you, since I've seen
him do useful work, so it's nothing personal.  The word detweil, however, is
an honest-to-goodness incidence of a new term arising in the language of
it's own accord, regardless of how anyone feels about it, so it ought to
be recorded for posterity.]
Stanton McCandlish * mech@eff.org * Electronic Frontier Found. OnlineActivist
F O R   M O R E   I N F O,    E - M A I L    T O:     I N F O @ E F F . O R G 
O  P  E  N    P  L  A  T  F  O  R  M     O  N  L  I  N  E    R  I  G  H  T  S
V  I   R   T   U   A   L   C  U   L   T   U   R   E      C  R   Y   P   T   O