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If whatzits@netcom.com is Detweiler, at least he's paying $20/mo to
pop in here. I have Sternlight attacking me on eff.talk- that's good.
He sure perceives me as a threat for a Wyoming ranch hand. That's good
advice y'all have there about not feeding the animals.
I've been looking at this remailer business. Well, hell. I want to go
the other way. I'm Jeff Leroy Davis AKA Eagle, and lots of people know
that. Ram Dass has this thing of his public self and his private self
as one. In other words, he is himself, whether in public or private.
I'm open about myself, and have projected my true persona into cyberspace.
At least the truth about myself as I see it here now. I have no reason
to create an anonymous persona, or construct some sort of personality.
Now if I have to go underground in the net at some future date, that's
a different story. For now, I'm quite secure in who and what I am, and
endevor to let the truth of my heart shine in cyberspace.
PGP PUBLIC KEY via finger! JAFEFFM Speaking & Thinking For Myself!
* eagle@deeptht.armory.com email info@eff.org *
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