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Re: your mail

<My computer told me that nobody@shell.portal.com said:>
> Since people are talking about new remailer features, can I suggest
> another one - how about single-use (or limited use) anonymous return
> addressess (ARAs) ? There are quite a few situations I can envisage where 
> I might want to give an anonymous return address to someone that could
> only be used a limited number of times, or for a limited period of
> time
    ... digi cash example and comments deleted.

Another good use of this would be to maintain anonymity.  If you used the
same aa382043 address over and over again people will attach an identity
to that and they will remember, "Oh yes, that's the guy that said he works
for a computer company and hates spinach and likes Amy and ...." and soon
(assuming a long term use of the account) you will have an identity and
people will be biased one way or another toward you, even though they do
not know who you are in real life.  A one shot id will allow people to
remain truly anon and not have to go to the trouble of switching accts
and putting a burden on the remailers with 1000's of accounts.