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RMorality and Ethics (was Pseudonym's and Reputation)

From: Blanc Weber <blancw@microsoft.com>
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: Re: Pseudonyms and Reputations

Quoting Detwieler(?)
" ideally we can develop moral codes where our algorithms fail us. "

>Ideally, you would be able to enforce these moral codes.
>Ideally, they would reflect not only what is possible in reality, but 
>what is truly desireable.

McCandlish and I discussed morality and ethics early during our initial
"handshake".  Stanton said there is no morality, only ethics- what do 
you think? (substantial paraphrase I think serves the purpose of discussion)

Here's my reply, and agree that the difference is semantic:

*** Morality is the ablility to differentiate between right and wrong,
without denotation.  Thus, each situation defines an eidetic decision
and implementation which would be the application of an ethical standard
based on past experience.  Therefore, endogenous morality is quite tangible,
while exogenous morality is most likely unethical, and detrimental to the
purity of being. ***  

			Jeff Leroy Davis <eagle>   
PGP PUBLIC KEY via finger!  JAFEFFM  Speaking & Thinking For Myself!
* eagle@deeptht.armory.com			email info@eff.org *
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