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NSA security manual

Well Grady,

You already know it's authentic.  I'd love to call some of those
secure phone #'s and see if my voice print still works.  It would
be a scream if it did >;)  If any of you have tried one of the secure
numbers out of curiosity, (and I've been out of the loop since 18
February 1983), you'll get a ring and a pause, then a rapid busy 

This also lends credibility to my Psychological Warfare Primer, albeit
subtely.  I stated that the heavyweights in intelligence were the
DIA, NSA, and the CIA, in that order.  If *green* clearances are mere
TS/IS, the DIA feeds them as well on a need-to-know basis.

My analysis of the NSA mission is cryptography, (thanks for the hot
tip, eh?), and interception.  When AT&T broke up, it became possible
to intercept transmissions that were previously protected by the
monopoly.  NSA is privy to all sorts of stuff, open long distance
phone calls they can snag off the satellites without a warrent.  They're
pretty much public domain if one has the technology.

Another thing I noticed was the Drug Policy.  You note that they leave
"authorized" drug use open.  Amphetimines are SOP in some combat and
combat simulation exercises.  Christ, you want to laugh til tears roll
down your cheeks, read the FOIA stuff released on the CIA's human 
experimentation with LSD.  True keystone cop stuff.

John Barlow and I were drinking some cokes and shooting the breeze here
in Laramie a little over a year ago.  He predicted an "opening" of the
intelligence agencies after Clinton was elected- (This was the second
to last weekend in October to be precise).  NOW I see what he means.

Thanks Grady!  So THAT'S what the DoD pogues do.  Can't wait to see a
Field Manual for DIA intelligence officers.   
PGP PUBLIC KEY via finger!  JAFEFFM  Speaking & Thinking For Myself!
* eagle@deeptht.armory.com			email info@eff.org *
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