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Re: Some Questions...

On Apr 15,  8:43am, SGT=DARREN=S.=HARLOW%ISB%MCTSSA@nwsfallbrook3.nwac wrote:
> Subject: Some Questions...
> 	I am new to the list and learning rapidly.  However I have a couple
> of questions:
> 1)  How is it that I sign a message with PGP and still have the message be in
> plaintext?  I know this is trivial to most, but new to me.

Nothing is trivial if you find yourself banging your head on a problem to which
you have no immediate answer.  Here's the immediate answer:

	pgp -sta +clearsig=on message.txt

That's from pgpdoc2.txt.  Hope it helps.  You might wish to set up your mail
user agent to invoke this command upon exiting your default message editor,
with "message.txt" set to whatever your editor calls the temporary message

> 	Sorry for the inconvenience, but I am trying to learn.

No problem.  You might also consider taking the newsgroups sci.crypt and

Hmmm... you might find talk.politics.crypto interesting, too.

> Sgt Darren Harlow - Computer Security

What does your job involve?  Local sysadmin?  How did you find out about us?
Welcome aboard.

> MCTSSA, Camp Pendleton, USMC
>-- End of excerpt from SGT=DARREN=S.=HARLOW%ISB%MCTSSA@nwsfallbrook3.nwac


Russell Earl Whitaker				whitaker@sgi.com
Silicon Graphics Inc.
Technical Assistance Center, Mountain View CA     (415) 390-2250
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