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Re: Safeway + Your Privacy
KillBarny@aol.com wrote:
> Hopefully, someone will have this awful thing happen to them and sue the
> Shit out of Safeway for being so negligent. Peter Mc Gowan, the asshole
> who owns Safeway, sized down his employees [so his shareholders could
> make more millions], which means we have to wait in even longer lines,
> due to his excellent insight into the Food Management.
Shop somewhere else if you don't like it.
VONS pulled a similar scam a while back, but they gave you a "VonsChek"
card. Every time you wanted to use a check they'd ask for this card.
The card had a little magnetic strip that they'd scan. Anyway, this one
guy I know went in there and the card wouldn't scan, so the cashier
wouldn't take his check. She said, "Well, sir, you'll need to apply for
a replacement card." He asked how to do that and she said, "Well, you
need to fill out this form..." at which time he said "No I don't,"
threw the card at her and walked away, leaving the cashier there with a
cart full of groceries. Then the manager noticed, and tried to come
over and offer assistance, but he just walked out of the store. I think
they cut back on that crap somewhat since then; but I don't really know,
since I don't shop there anymore (this was when I lived in California...)
> These databases are already collecting information every time we do
> not pay in cash. Those bar codes record everything. Safeway has taken
> this a bit higher, and I only wish I had someone steal my checkbook
> and take Safeway to the cleaners.
More likely they would take YOU to the cleaners first. I'm not sure if
this would be the desired outcome, as Safeway might try to cover their
asses by demanding more shit from you like driver's liscense, Social
insecurity number...