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Warrantless Search

uni- (dark) writes:

>Ignoring the potential ramifications of a seizure of constitutional rights
>to fight the symptoms of some invented "Crime Crisis" is to me much more
 indictive of citizen's apathy.  I make this assertion with the admission
 that I don't know the specifics of your example, as you did not provide

I spend the majority of the warm months on the fecal end of the stick in
the Drug War.  I personally do not drink, nor do I even smoke pot.  A
Warrior's sobriety has great survival value, and extends far beyond the
ethnocentric denotation of "sobriety" in this western culture. 

As a consequence of having very long hair, and prefering Grateful Dead
to mere Rock 'n Roll, I get stopped and searched frequently anytime I'm
out of Wyoming.  I prefer to be harrassed by law enforcement, than make
the simple concession of cutting my hair.  I wear the hairstyle of my
Cheyenne ancestory for spiritual reasons.

Being a civil libertarian, I accept this drastic change in my life brought
on by the Drug War for very simple reasons.  All the time law enforcement
spends harrassing me, several people who are minding their own business 
and smoking a little pot, not to mention the use of other soft drugs, are
getting away scott free.

We keep looking at real life case law for precident in cyberspace legal
defense.  This is speech.  That was established by EFF in the S Jackson
et al. games case.  Now we are looking at privacy.  I have no personal
privacy.  Absolutely everything I do is open to inspection by the US Gov't.

Warrentless search precident means that my accounts can be inspected.  My
passwords can be obtained by technological surveillance with out my know-
lege, and my private accounts invaded.

I live in a community where I don't even lock my front door- ever.  This is
widely known and most people are aware they are free to walk in my home
any time they want, whether I am here or not.  This trust is honored 

The current state of cberspace is exactly like being on Acid in 1964.
I urge you all to study the parallel's of revolutionary uprising, and
subsequent oppression of same by the US Gov't.

I've seen the other side of the fence.  We're in the business of reclaiming
privacy and liberty, not struggling to keep it.  
PGP PUBLIC KEY via finger!  JAFEFFM  Speaking & Thinking For Myself!
* eagle@deeptht.armory.com			email info@eff.org *
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