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Fenced DES

                    Ritter Software Engineering
                        2609 Choctaw Trail
                        Austin, Texas 78745
                   (512) 892-0494, ritter@io.com

                            Fenced DES

                           Terry Ritter
                          April 17, 1994


 This article is one in a series which document my attempts to find
 a fast, strong, acceptable extension to the U.S. Data Encryption
 Standard (DES), which I believe is now dangerously insecure.

 The intent is to find a relatively-simple and believable construct
 which uses DES as a building block, thus avoiding the need to
 certify a complete new cipher.  I note that currently there is no
 institution which could and also would provide such certification.

 In this article I propose a new "fenced" ciphering construct which
 may be a solution.  The experimental 256-bit-block implementation
 takes about 1.2 times the computation (per byte) of DES alone, and
 may have the strength of four DES keys.

 In this design, some important block-cipher properties seem to
 follow logically from the widely-accepted existence of those
 properties in DES itself.

 Wide Blocks

 All practical block ciphers attempt to emulate a large substitution
 table algorithmically; DES employs substantial computation simply
 to behave like a substitution table of 2**64 elements.  Accepting
 DES as a reasonable design means that we have implicitly accepted
 the argument that a fast 8-bit-wide substitution is not secure (by
 itself).  Certainly, if a small-block substitution were secure,
 we would all use that simple and fast alternative instead of DES.
 Since we do not, we must have accepted the fact that block size is
 a significant factor in block cipher strength.

 DES is often used to encipher language text, which contains a
 surprisingly small amount of information.  Since data-compression
 programs routinely compress language text by 60%, we can expect
 that a 64-bit block of language text may contain perhaps 26 bits
 of information.  While it is not currently known how this could
 be exploited, a 256-bit-wide block should contain four times that
 much information, which should solve any related problem.

 A large block size also addresses some aspects of cryptoanalytic
 weakness:  Some attacks on block ciphers make use of the "birthday
 paradox" to find a matching pair from a large number of ciphertexts.
 With a 64-bit block about 2**32 ciphertext blocks would be expected
 to be needed; a large number, admittedly, but still possible.  But
 the same attack on a 256-bit block would require about 2**128
 ciphertext blocks, which is completely out of the question.  Thus,
 a large block size eliminates one type of attack on the cipher.

 A large-block 4x-wide cipher need not expand ciphertext beyond the
 normal expansion for DES (CBC initialization vector and key-length
 aside), provided that one trailing 2x and one trailing 1x block can
 be used if needed.  All the preceding blocks would be 4x blocks.

 The Two Problems

 This project has had to address two major problems:

      1. Weaknesses of Multi-Layer Constructs:  Many simple multi-
      level ciphering structures based on DES can be attacked by
      working simultaneously on both the input and output layers,
      given "known plaintext" or "defined plaintext."  In general,
      this means that two-level constructs are much weaker than one
      might expect.  This leads to three-level construct like
      "triple-DES" which tend to be very slow.

      2) Weakness in Multi-Block Constructs:  Similarly, simple
      large-block structures based on DES can be attacked by
      defining or "fixing" the input values of all but one DES
      block, using "defined plaintext."  Apparently, any composite
      structure which does not have each bit affect the every DES
      ciphering will have this weakness.

 To expand the effective block size while using DES itself, Fenced-
 DES uses the "block mixing transform" construct which I described
 in the previous article.  In this article I want to clarify how
 those transforms can be used to create a cipher with a large block
 size out of smaller blocks, despite the mixing having no strength
 of its own.

 The Block Mixing Transform

 In a previous article I introduced the concept of a "block mixing
 transform" (extended from work by Eli Biham) as a tool to mix the
 information in two data blocks, and then recover that information.
 This concept could be expressed as two pairs of expressions:

      X := f1( A, B );   Y := f2( A, B );

      A := f3( X, Y );   B := f4( X, B );

      The term "transform" is taken from the ability to change the
      data into a different data-space, and then recover the original
      values, and also the similarity to the "fast Fourier transform"
      "butterfly" operation.  This "block mixing transform" should
      be distinguished from the "mixing transformation" described by
      Shannon [10: 711].

 The particular form I suggested was:

      X := 2A + 3B;   Y := 3A + 2B;

      A := 2X + 3Y;   B := 3X + 2Y;

 with operations mod-2 and mod-p, where p is some primitive mod-2
 polynomial of appropriate degree for the data blocks X, Y, A and B.
 (Later work shows that p need not be primitive, but p must be
 irreducible in cryptographic service.)  This transform is a self-
 inverse, has good mixing correlation properties, is statistically
 balanced, and has a processing cost which is linear with block size.

 Efficient implementation suggests a re-labeling as follows:

      X := 3A + 2B;   Y := 2A + 3B;

      A := 3X + 2Y;   B := 2X + 3Y;

      Comments on the original "block mixing transform" article
      have uncovered a few other references to fixed-size math
      transforms, including Agarwal and Burrus [1], Pollard [6],
      and Rader [7], but none related to cryptography.  I would
      be glad to hear of any other references of any sort.

 The mixing transform need not be a cipher by itself.  Indeed,
 it need have no "strength" at all, but must provide at least a
 minimal level of mixing and be cryptographically-balanced; it
 should also be expandable and fast.  Although speed is not an
 issue in most individual ciphering, speed is a major issue for
 industrial applications, including centralized network servers.
 The application in this article mixes blocks of substantial size,
 making many other forms of mixing completely impractical.

 4x Fenced-DES

 Consider the following construct:

    S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
    --------------mix-------------- --------------mix--------------
    ------DES------ ------DES------ ------DES------ ------DES------
    --------------mix-------------- --------------mix--------------
    S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

 Here each "S" represents an 8-bit substitution table.  Thus, we
 have 32 input substitutions and 32 output substitutions, each a
 separately-shuffled and independent table, and an overall block
 size of 256 bits.  We also have four DES operations, plus two
 levels of input mixing and two levels of output mixing.  Note
 that the innermost mixing levels combine two 128-bit blocks, a
 substantial operation which is nevertheless practical using the
 selected block mixing transform.

 The idea is to spread the effect of each input bit to each of the
 four DES operations, and to produce a particular output bit from
 a combination of all four DES results.  If this works, The Opponent
 would be forced to search all four DES keyspaces simultaneously to
 match a particular known-plaintext pair.

 An experimental implementation of the above construct performs all
 64 substitutions and all 6 mixings in less time than a single DES
 computation.  Currently, it ciphers 4 times the data with about
 4.8 times the computation, and has, perhaps, a keyspace of 224 bits
 or so.  (A much faster hybrid implementation might do the DES
 computations in hardware.)

      In the experimental implementation, table and key
      initialization take about 200 times the computation of a
      single 256-bit-block ciphering.  (This is mainly a
      consequence of shuffling 64 small substitution tables.)
      Even so, it is probably faster to compute the 16K initial
      state than to decipher 16K of saved state with software
      DES or Fenced-DES:  Construction is faster than ciphering.

      The keyed construction of the substitution tables implies the
      presence of a specific cryptographic RNG.  This means that any
      overall Fenced-DES specification will pin-down the key
      processing which varies so widely in current DES applications.
      The current implementation uses a fast 992-bit Additive RNG
      and the nonlinear "jitterizer" [8] which I have discussed many
      times with respect to my Penknife cipher and my other Dynamic
      Substitution [9] ciphers.

      In the experimental implementation, a User Key of arbitrary
      length and content is hashed (CRC'd) by 32 separate degree-31
      primitive mod-2 polynomials (11- through 19-nomials), producing
      the 992-bit RNG state, which also eventually generates the DES
      keys.  Note that this approach eliminates the need for keys to
      have a specific format unique to this particular cipher.  This
      enables the selection of an arbitrary cipher from among many
      different ciphers, all of which can use the exact same key.

 Deciphering simply uses inverse substitutions (the inverse of each
 encipher output substitution is used for decipher input) and DES
 in decipher mode.  The selected block mixing transform is a self-
 inverse and needs no changes.

 Mixing Levels

 The arrangement of the mixing levels deserves some comment.
 First, note that a change in any one input data bit produces a
 distribution of changes out of the associated input substitution,
 depending on the particular substitution, original input value,
 and change.  Any possible byte input has a 50 percent probability
 of affecting each of the eight output bits from that substitution.

      A substitution table S is an indexable n-element vector of
      output codes.  An invertible substitution table S with
      inverse table inv(S) has the property that for any input code
      i in n, inv(S)[ S[i] ] = i.  This implies that S contains
      n different output codes.

      An invertible substitution table S contains each output code
      value exactly once.  Since each possible index selects a
      different element, any index change will select a different
      output code.  Since different code values must differ in at
      least one bit, any input change must produce a change in at
      least one output bit.

      Given invertible substitution table S with shuffled contents,
      define the output distribution for any input code change to be
      an arbitrary selection from the output codes which differ from
      the current output code.  If the output codes are a complete
      set of 2**m values (0..(2**m-1)) for some m, counting arguments
      show that it is likely that about half of the output bits will
      change for any input code change of any nature whatsoever.

      Conversely, since each output bit is produced by an output
      code, and the selected output code is completely dependent
      upon every bit in the input code, each output bit is dependent
      on every bit of the input.  A network with this property is
      normally called "complete" [5], and localized completeness is
      also the basis for "avalanche" [3: 22] in an iterated block

 Next, note that we first mix two 64-bit blocks (twice), then two
 128-bit blocks.  Suppose we have a change in any one input data
 bit: this produces an 8-bit substituted result which would normally
 affect just a single DES block.  But the 64-bit mixing extends
 those changes to two DES blocks, and the 128-bit mixing extends the
 changes to all four DES blocks.  Thus, any change of even a single
 input bit will affect all four DES operations.

      Using the transformation X := 3A + 2B; Y := 2A + 3B; any
      value change to A or B must be reflected in both X and Y:

      Suppose some change C is added to A:

           X  := 3A + 2B  (mod 2, mod p)
           X' := 3(A+C) + 2B
           X' := 3A + 3C + 2B
           dX := X' - X = 3C

      but 3C is non-zero (thus affecting the output) for any C which
      is not zero, and if C is zero, there has been no change to A.

      Suppose some change C added to B:

           X  := 3A + 2B  (mod 2, mod p)
           X' := 3A + 2(B+C)
           X' := 3A + 2B + 2C
           dX := X' - X = 2C

      Similarly, 2C is also non-zero for any C which is not zero.

      Suppose we try to make C half the value of p plus the highest
      bit (2**(deg(p)-1)) so that p will be activated and 2C will
      cancel the lower bits of p:  Alas, p is irreducible so there
      is no q S.T. 2q = p.

      Similar arguments apply for Y := 2A + 3B.

 The experimental implementation uses the degree-128 irreducible
 0100004000000400200002000004000001 (hex), and the degree-64
 irreducible 010002000000800201 as block mixing polynomials.

 The output from each DES operation is, of course, random-like, so
 one might think it could be used directly.  However, a three-
 level structure is still necessary to prevent, for example, "fix-
 in-the-middle" attacks, so the output substitutions are important.
 We also need the output mixing so that the result from a single
 DES block cannot be isolated and worked on independently.

 The guaranteed performance of the input substitution and the block
 mixing transform imply that each DES input block collectively
 depends upon each and every input bit.  The expected performance
 of the DES algorithm extends this, making every DES output bit
 depend upon each and every input bit in the entire large input
 block, thus making all DES outputs "complete" over the large input

 Cryptographic Strength

 First let's review where modern cryptographic science stands with
 respect to "strength":

      1.  There is no algorithmic test to "certify" or evaluate the
      "strength" of a cipher.

      2.  Despite a half-century of intensive mathematical work, we
      still have exactly one cipher which is commonly accepted as
      having been proven "unbreakable," and that cipher is normally
      impractical.  Despite this immense effort, and the fact that
      a "proof" of cipher strength is unfulfilled for any practical
      cipher whatsoever, there are still calls for "proofs" of new
      cipher designs.

      3.  While various cryptanalytic attack strategies are known,
      each such attack is necessarily specific to the particular
      cipher being attacked.  Attack names represent strategies,
      rather than generally-applicable algorithms.  Simply knowing
      the history of previous attacks does not necessarily provide
      insight into applying those attacks to a new cipher.

      4.  Ordinarily we speak of the "strength" of a cipher as the
      minimum effort needed to "break" the cipher.  Unfortunately,
      we are necessarily limited to discussing what we know now, and
      not what can be known in the future.  Any current minimum may
      not last, and we may not be able to know whether it will last
      or not.

 With those points in mind, the current "strength" for 4x Fenced-DES
 is ((2**56)**4)(256!**64) keys, a very big number.  I would be
 delighted to learn of a simpler attack.

 It would of course be ridiculous to accept this sort of number as
 a true indication of strength.  Personally, I would be happy with
 anything over 112 bits, since this should be sufficient for the
 next couple of decades and then we may have a stronger basis for
 cryptographic design.

 Design Strength

 Note that we need assume no "strength" for the mixing layers, but
 simply mixing:  Each mixed output block must be a function of each
 and every bit in both input blocks.  In this particular design we
 need only two levels of mixing to make sure that every input bit has
 propagated to all four DES blocks.  And then we need two more to
 make sure that all four DES blocks participate in every output bit.

 The purpose of the small substitutions is to prevent the (weak and
 known) mixing functions from being exploited to divide-and-conquer
 the DES operations.  Small substitutions appear to be sufficient
 to isolate the mixing functions, because "known plaintext" is only
 available across the entire cipher, and not across the internal
 layers of the cipher.  When known-plaintext is not available, and
 substitutions cannot be separated for divide-and-conquer, little
 substitutions can be surprisingly strong.

 In the 4x construct, we might lay all the strength on the four DES
 keys, which would imply a 224-bit value.  On the other hand, an
 attack which is able to isolate one of the DES keys (perhaps as a
 consequence of 1x operation using the same state), would reduce
 this to 168 bits.  Note that the substitutions must be keyed even
 if we discount their "strength."

 Strength Arguments by Attack

 Exhaustive Search:  Try each key until the correct one is found.
 Preventing this now requires a keyspace substantially larger than
 56 bits (or, with a computationally-expensive setup phase, perhaps
 a few bits less).  It seems reasonable to claim that Fenced-DES has
 at least a 224-bit keyspace.  Note that this is not four times the
 DES keyspace, but four times the key size, which is 2**168 times
 the conventional DES keyspace.

 Known-Plaintext/Defined Plaintext:  Somehow "obtain" both the
 plaintext and the corresponding ciphertext for some large number
 of encipherings (under one key).  This has many flavors:

 Codebook:  Try to obtain all possible ciphertexts and associated
 plaintext; then, when a ciphertext occurs, look it up.  This is
 normally prevented by having a large number of transformations,
 which implies both a large block size and a large keyspace.
 Fenced-DES has both.

 Codebook approaches can be combined with "divide-and-conquer" to
 isolate and define parts of some ciphers.  Fenced-DES tries to
 avoid these attacks by not allowing the parts to be isolated and
 worked on separately.

 Meet-in-the-Middle:  With a multi-layered structure, given known-
 or defined-plaintext, search the top keyspace to find every
 possible result, and search the bottom keyspace to find every
 possible value.  With a two-level construct, matches can be
 verified with some subsequent known-plaintext/ciphertext pairs.
 Fenced-DES avoids this by using a three-level construction, and
 by using outer layers which have a huge "keyspace."

 Differential Cryptanalysis:  Given a S-P iteration cipher with
 known tables, use any statistical unbalance in the tables to peer
 back into previous steps.  Fenced-DES avoids this by having no
 fixed tables, by using only balanced full-substitution tables,
 and by using a fully-balanced block mixing transform to avoid

 Important Aspects of the Design

 First, the Fenced-DES construct is more like a Kam-Davida
 substitution-permutation (S-P) design [5] than the common iterated
 Feistel design [3] represented by DES itself.  The block mixing
 transform is specifically intended to avoid the sort of weakness
 exploited by the recent Heys-Tavares attack [4] on S-P designs.

 Next, it seems that there is a fundamental weakness in any two-
 layer construct for some form of "meet in the middle" attack when
 we assume "defined-plaintext" capabilities.  Fenced-DES has three
 independent layers to avoid such attacks.

 Conventional block-cipher designs generally use unkeyed static
 substitution tables which are selected for "optimum" performance.
 In contrast, Fenced-DES uses only key-generated tables, in which
 any table permutation is as good as any other, making selection
 unnecessary.  (A shuffled substitution is very unlikely to be
 linear [2], but linearity is itself unimportant when it cannot
 be detected externally.  The mid-level substitution--here
 DES--acts to hide any S-box linearity.)

 Conventional block-cipher designs are also very economical with
 state, using either small tables (e.g., the 256 bytes in eight
 6-bit to 4-bit tables in DES), or no tables at all (e.g., IDEA).
 But 4x Fenced-DES uses 16K (bytes) of tables, all keyed.

 More conventional S-P designs tend to use the same block size at
 each substitution level, thus becoming vulnerable to Heys-Tavares
 attacks [4].  Fenced-DES differs from this approach by having a
 middle layer with a block size which is much larger than the outer
 layers (this is similar to a Kam-Davida "partition" [5: 749] but
 differs in that it is a single block).  This should prevent those
 small substitutions associated with a single internal block from
 being separated and attacked individually.

 Other contemporary block-cipher designs generally use a 64-bit
 block size.  This is much weaker than it was 20 years ago, when
 that size was selected for DES.  To avoid birthday attacks on
 ciphertext, as well as unknown information-based attacks, 4x
 Fenced-DES has a nominal block size of 256 bits, although 8x or
 even 16x versions are both possible and practical.  2x and 1x
 versions can be used to cipher the last part of a message, thus
 reducing data expansion to that expected with DES alone.

 A fundamental difference is that conventional S-P designs perform
 only a bit-permutation (or "transposition") between substitution
 layers; this is a weakness in that an input bit to one layer is
 exactly the same as some output bit in the previous layer.
 Fenced-DES differs from other block-cipher designs in the use of a
 block mixing transform to make the input code to a middle-layer
 substitution (in this case, DES) a function of every substitution
 in the previous layer.  This allows the external block size to be
 expanded while preventing substitutions in the middle layer from
 being separated and attacked individually.

 An interesting aspect of the Fenced-DES design is the possibility
 that assumed properties of DES--a cipher which has been studied
 and evaluated for almost 20 years--can be provably expanded into
 properties of the larger cipher.


 A new type of cryptographic ciphering construct has been introduced
 which uses DES as a building block.  The result seems to provide
 a larger block size and more strength than triple-DES (the leading
 alternative), while operating almost three times as fast.


 [1]  Agarwal, R. and C. Burrus.  1974.  Fast Convolution Using
      Fermat Number Transforms with Applications to Digital
      Filtering.  IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and
      Signal Processing.  ASSP-22(2): 87-97.

 [2]  Ayob, F.  1982.  Probabilistic completeness of substitution-
      permutation encryption.  IEE Proceedings, Pt. E.  129(5):

 [3]  Feistel, H.  1973.  Cryptography and Computer Privacy.
      Scientific American.  228(5): 15-23.

 [4]  Heys, H. and S. Tavares.  1993.  Cryptanalysis of Tree-
      Structured Substitution-Permutation Networks.  Electronics
      Letters.  29(1): 40-41.

 [5]  Kam, J. and G. Davida.  1979.  Structured Design of
      Substitution-Permutation Encryption Networks.  IEEE
      Transactions on Computers.  C-28(10): 747-753.

 [6]  Pollard, J.  1971.  The Fast Fourier Transform in a Finite
      Field.  Mathematics of Computation.  25(114): 365-374.

 [7]  Rader, C.  1972.  Discrete Convolutions via Mersenne
      Transforms.  IEEE Transactions on Computers.  C-21(12):

 [8]  Ritter, T.  1991.  The Efficient Generation of Cryptographic
      Confusion Sequences.  Cryptologia.  15(2): 81-139.

 [9]  Ritter, T.  1990.  Substitution Cipher with Pseudo-Random
      Shuffling:  The Dynamic Substitution Combiner.  Cryptologia.
      14(4): 289-303.

 [10] Shannon, C.  1949.  Communication Theory of Secrecy Systems.
      Bell System Technical Journal.  28: 656-715.

 Terry Ritter   ritter@io.com