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re: Intolerance on the list (was Re: Sgt Russell)
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I appreciate your letter to me. My political views are very
conservative. I know that this puts off a number of people, but we are each
entitled to our own opinion. I feel that we do need a government in power,
but that they have a limited role in our society. If we didn't have at some
ruling power in control, the country would be in total anarchy and we would
be taken over by some intolerate country. The beauty of our system of
government protects our rights. We need a military to protect everyone's ass
in this country. I feel that the government infringes to much on other
peoples rights in this country as it is, especially with the current
president. At least with a conservative government in control, they want to
keep the money and the power in the hands of the people.
The use of cryptography within our system, IMHO, is to allow us a
right to privacy. Personally I feel that the Clipper chip, is a severe
infringement upon our rights, and I do NOT support its use. Notice that I
use PGP and not PEM or DES. If someone is smart enough to use RSA, then they
deserve to be able to talk in privacy. I know that it can be used for
alterior motives, but that is the risk with any tool that is available for
use. I hope this helps to explain my opinions a bit better. I welcome you
comments. BTW, where are those political pieces that people have written. I
would like to look at them, to further educate myself.
Sgt Darren Harlow - Computer Security
MCTSSA, Camp Pendleton, USMC
Internet: harlow%isb%mctssa@nwsfallbrook3.nwac.sea06.navy.mil
or another less reliable & slower: harlow@mqg1.usmc.mil
Voice: Comm: (619) 725-2970 DSN (Autovon): 365-2970
Fax: Comm: (619) 725-9512 DSN (Autovon): 365-9512
PGP Public key available upon request
"The views expressed are my own, and always will be..."