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re: Sgt Russell

>        I am sorry that my being on this list is offensive to you.  I joined 
>this list to learn about cryptography.  If anything, I would think that you 
>would want to help a new person get up to speed.  If you can't grow up and 
>treat other people like human beings, maybe you ought to take yourself off of 
>the list and go play with your private key by yourself.

I wouldn't worry about Wayne: other than an annoying propensity to toss
around TLAs in such a way as to make it fairly clear that he doesn't really
know what he's talking about, and a strong case of inappropriate paranoia,
I suspect he's generally harmless.

Annoying, tedious and occasionally laughable; but generally harmless.

Lefty (lefty@apple.com)
C:.M:.C:., D:.O:.D:.