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Re: Warrantless searches -- A sign of things to come?
<My computer told me that Evidence Inc. said:>
> The easiest solution is to include a provision in the rental agreement
[... that allows searches and agrees to no-firearms ...]
> I'm not sure that all states would permit searches even under these
> circumstances
> Comments?
Are there any lawyers that can comment with certainty? I'm not qualified
to answer this point. (I did post since it was my original point that
is being referred to. My opinion is that a landlord can not further limit
that which the state laws protect... but that is opinion)
This topic may have merit here since it started as (forgive the paraphrase)
"We want to make cyber laws and here is the stupidity that is happening
in the real world... we have a lot of work ahead of us." Anyone care to
offer an opinion on this discussion's merit here?
Tantalus Inc. Bringing people together Jim Sewell-KD4CKQ
2407 N. Roosevelt Blvd. to have a little fun. Internet: jims@mpgn.com
Key West, FL 33041 CIS: 71061,1027
(305) 293-8100 "We keep coding and coding and coding..."