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re: Sgt Russell
I am sorry that my being on this list is offensive to you. I joined
this list to learn about cryptography. If anything, I would think that you
would want to help a new person get up to speed. If you can't grow up and
treat other people like human beings, maybe you ought to take yourself off of
the list and go play with your private key by yourself.
My job is important to me. Learning about cryptography is going to
help me protect my systems and my messages. I have no desire to eavesdrop on
what you or anyone else is doing on this list. I merely want to learn, and
possibly contribute to the threads on the list. I have received several
responses from people on the list and really appreciate that. I hope this
helps to clarify my position on this list.
Sgt Darren Harlow - Computer Security
MCTSSA, Camp Pendleton, USMC
Internet: harlow%isb%mctssa@nwsfallbrook3.nwac.sea06.navy.mil
or another less reliable & slower: harlow@mqg1.usmc.mil
Voice: Comm: (619) 725-2970 DSN (Autovon): 365-2970
Fax: Comm: (619) 725-9512 DSN (Autovon): 365-9512
PGP Public key available upon request
"The views expressed are my own, and always will be..."