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re: Sgt Russell
EITHER YOU are very thin skin or this is a mock tirade. IF you want to
know what I think ask. DOn't assume or put words in my mouth.
I know marines are trained to take orders...So LIGHTEN UP *-).
The END..\
On Tue, 19 Apr 1994 SGT=DARREN=S.=HARLOW%ISB%MCTSSA@nwsfallbrook3.nwac.sea06.navy.mil wrote:
> Wayne,
> I am sorry that my being on this list is offensive to you. I joined
> this list to learn about cryptography. If anything, I would think that you
> would want to help a new person get up to speed. If you can't grow up and
> treat other people like human beings, maybe you ought to take yourself off of
> the list and go play with your private key by yourself.
> My job is important to me. Learning about cryptography is going to
> help me protect my systems and my messages. I have no desire to eavesdrop on
> what you or anyone else is doing on this list. I merely want to learn, and
> possibly contribute to the threads on the list. I have received several
> responses from people on the list and really appreciate that. I hope this
> helps to clarify my position on this list.
> Sgt Darren Harlow - Computer Security
> MCTSSA, Camp Pendleton, USMC
> Internet: harlow%isb%mctssa@nwsfallbrook3.nwac.sea06.navy.mil
> or another less reliable & slower: harlow@mqg1.usmc.mil
> Voice: Comm: (619) 725-2970 DSN (Autovon): 365-2970
> Fax: Comm: (619) 725-9512 DSN (Autovon): 365-9512
> PGP Public key available upon request
> "The views expressed are my own, and always will be..."
Qjones@infi.net She kissed me- I felt the hot blush *
* Qjones@larry.wyvern.com Of raging passion incinerate my heart *
- References:
- re: Sgt Russell
- From: SGT=DARREN=S.=HARLOW%ISB%MCTSSA@nwsfallbrook3.nwac.sea06.navy.mil