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Re: Intolerance on the list

> <My computer told me that Ken B Kirksey said:>
> > >  being an ok kinda guy as a freethinking individual.
> >                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^
> > I fully encourage people to think freely, but I absolutely refuse to 
> > encourage people to become "Free Thinkers".  I've found that so-called
> > "Free Thinkers" reveal themselves to be, through their ideas and literature,
> > to be nothing more than narrow-minded empiricist zealots, hostile beyond
> > reason to religion and anything that cannot be apprehended directly
> > by the human senses in general.  IMHO, of course.
>   If there is a group calling itself "Free Thinkers" then I'll revise my
>   comments.  I was unaware of any such group and meant only that folks
>   should think for themselves and not just blindly follow their "herd
>   instincts" (Had to work that side thread in here :).  Sorry if I made
>   an unwitting reference to any group.
> 	 Jim

To clarify who uses this label:  (Sorry to reply again in this venue.)
(In the two years on/off this list, this is the first offsubject...)

The members of the FFRF (Freedom From Religion Foundation), which
exists mainly, IMHO, as a support group for those who feel oppressed
in some way or who want to counteract the spreading tendancies of
religion.  The members tend to like the label 'Freethinker' for
themselves and have pins as such.  The group is made up of atheists
(strong & weak), agnostics, 'non-practicing Jews', PFLAG members (a
group that falls under the religiously persecuited label), and
church/state separatists (many of which may be somewhat religious).

If you want to find a comprehensive news reporting of priest
transgressions, for instance, their newsletter gathers info from all
over the US.

>    Tantalus Inc.        Bringing people together     Jim Sewell-KD4CKQ
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>   (305) 293-8100    "We keep coding and coding and coding..."	 

Yea, I'm a FreeThinker.  I find it impossible to believe in religion.
Even when I wanted to, I just couldn't.

I have a sound, rational view of life, morals, and goals.  I'm happy.

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