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Green Card Post
From: svb3@namaste.cc.columbia.edu (Sarah Victoria Birnbaum)
Newsgroups: alt.tv.seinfeld,alt.tv.melrose-place,alt.tv.bh90210
Subject: Mr. Green Card Gets Nailed!!
Date: Wed Apr 20 00:31:13 EDT 1994
Organization: Columbia University
Lines: 8
Thought you might all like to know that that fool who posted the Green
Card Lottery thing to every known newsgroup has been busted for
disobeying netiquette. His server in, I think, Texas, has cancelled his
account! Check out the New York Times Business section of today, 4/19/94,
for a terrific article. It's great to see he got his just deserts.
Unfortunately, he seems perfectly happy and says as soon as he gets a new
account, he'll start advertising again! What can we do?
I got a kick out of this, especially considering the distribution.