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Warrantless search -- Let's move it.

<My computer told me that GERSTEIN@SCSUD.CTSTATEU.EDU said:>
> You guys just keep saying the right things... My comments are below...
> --------------
> Jim Sewell (jims@Central.KeyWest.MPGN.COM) said :

I have replied via private mail and would like to urge others to do so as well.
Sorry for helping to promote an indepth discussion of a topic only marginally
inline with c'punks.  Yo!  Everyone!  Carry this thread on in private, please.
It is a very valid discussion, but not one for all c'punks.

   "Are there any cyphers in the room...
	  Get them up against the wall!" -- Pink Floyd meets Big Brother?

   Tantalus Inc.        Bringing people together     Jim Sewell-KD4CKQ
2407 N. Roosevelt Blvd.   to have a little fun.  Internet: jims@mpgn.com
Key West, FL  33041                               	  CIS: 71061,1027
  (305) 293-8100    "We keep coding and coding and coding..."