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Please be patient with me.
I'm only going to take a small part of the post. Please don't hurl rocks
at me...
<My computer told me that Llywelyn said:>
> ASIDE: I often wonder why people don't want us in the inner city to have
> guns. I wonder if its just a bit of racism that fears the empowerment of
> people with guns, ...
1. Why are all "inner city" residents black? In Louisville, KY where I
grew up the "inner city" was a neighborhood called Portland and it
had only white trash there. You know, the kind that would shoot you
if you looked at them wrong. There was a portion of the "slums" that
was occupied by mostly blacks, but the real problems came from the
whites. (By the way, I can call em white trash cuz I'm white and
they are trash. )
2. I'm afraid of any drugged person having a gun. I'm afraid of any
resentful person, hateful person, nothing-to-live-for person, etc.
having a gun... not a city area, but a mentality... a mentality
that can be found in any neighborhood.
3. My philosophy: I'm sorry my great great grand daddy did something
bad to your great great grand daddy, but don't blame me for it and
don't expect me to "make up" for it, cuz I'm neither responsible
nor able to make up for something that happened that long ago with
different people involved.
> Maybe they fear what sort of destruction will result as in the Watts and
> recent King riots, if the rioters were armed.
Uhem, they were armed... just like any group in America, some had
guns, some had bricks, some had fists, some stayed home.
> the BoR and the Declaration mean nothing. Ever been stopped and given
> the third degree for simply being in the wrong neighborhood? The
> exchange when something like:
> Cop: "What are you doing here?"
> Me: "Driving"
> Cop: "Where are you going?"
> Me: "To visit a friend."
> Cop: "What's the address?"
> Me "I didn't realize that we had a pass law in effect. Did I take a wrong
> turn and end up in Pretoria?"
> Cop: "Get out of the car."
Nope, I've had better sense than to dis the cops when I get stopped.
They are in authority and if you don't recognize that then they
will help you "see the light". Sounds like you had a smart attitude
and the cop decided to show you who had the right end of the gun.
Now, if you haven't already deleted this due to it's inappropriateness
I'd like to say :
1. I'm sorry to post it here. It is my hopes that I've stated what
many identify with at least in part so it need not be followed up
here again.
2. Barring a momentary lapse of reason I will not respond in public
to any more messages in this thread.
3. Where is the crypto angle and how did it get so off-track?
Truly folks, I hope this ends and apologize. As I said, I hope I
came close enough to J.Random Poster's feelings that he will let it
die here and not feel a need to reply further. I can be contacted
via private email if anyone wishes to pursue this with me further.
Take care everyone!
Tantalus Inc. Bringing people together Jim Sewell-KD4CKQ
2407 N. Roosevelt Blvd. to have a little fun. Internet: jims@mpgn.com
Key West, FL 33041 CIS: 71061,1027
(305) 293-8100 "We keep coding and coding and coding..."