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Re: DId you ever think...

> From: uri@watson.ibm.com
> Date: Tue, 26 Apr 1994 20:00:44 -0500 (EDT)
> jpp@markv.com says:
> >   Also, after reading Crypto '92 and '93 for a while, I am more and
> > more impresed and suprised with the work that NSA put into creating
>                                                 ^^^
> > DES from Lucifer.
> Surely you mean IBM?

  [Also a similar message which I unfortuenatly deleted so I can't
credit the author :(]

  No, my writing ability is not in error here -- my mental model of
the history of DES is what is in error.  I will now update my personal
model of DES development to include two steps at IBM.  Lucifer ->
proto-DES at IBM, and proto-DES -> DES at NSA.  Learn something new
every day...  Since about 1977 I wondered what the 'rediscovered
crypto techniques' were.  Thanks!
