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Re: DId you ever think...
> From: uri@watson.ibm.com
> Date: Wed, 27 Apr 1994 09:10:16 -0500 (EDT)
> Wrong again. There was no "proto-DES". From Lucifer to DES took a
> few years and significant redesign, but NSA didn't help (however
> they sure as hell wanted to keep updated on what was going on, so
> we were telling them [or rather - the team who designed it,'cause
> I joined later on :-]).
Are you saying that IBM developed DES entierly on their own? This
doesn't fit my model at all. But, I'm not afraid to be wrong.
> > Learn something new every day...
> Please do! (:-)
Gladly! Please tell (learn) me: what was the history of the
development of DES. How were DES, IBM, NSA, NIST (then NBS), and FIPS
related? Wasn't there some concern on IBM's part about liability --
Thus the us Governments participation, including the 'secret' changes
to DES?
> > Since about 1977 I wondered what the 'rediscovered
> > crypto techniques' were.
> Will you bet your ass it was the only technique in consideration?
Why would I do that?