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Re: Gee...


On Wed, 27 Apr 1994, David Mandl wrote:

> > From: "Phil G. Fraering" <pgf@srl01.cacs.usl.edu>
> > . . .
> > How about tarring the code together, encrypting it, and e-mailing the
> > message out?
> See you in jail.
> Anyone can get this stuff out of the country surreptitiously.
> I think the point was to get it out _legally_, through the law's
> _own_ loopholes.  Then they're completely powerless to stop it
> or persecute the responsible parties in any way. . . .

Wrong on both counts.  Getting it out legally would be nice--it's a great
*fallback* position--but that's not the object of the game.  The idea is
to get it out and make it widely available.  Period. 

The Constitution and other laws are not magic talismans.  It is fantasy 
thinking that technical compliance with the government's laws renders 
them "completely powerless."  A Smith & Wesson beats four-of-a-kind.

 S a n d y,  (Attorney-out-law)