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Re: Gee...

> From: "Phil G. Fraering" <pgf@srl01.cacs.usl.edu>
> All those cryptographers, and their solution to exporting restricted
> source code is to print them up as barcode in books.\
> How about tarring the code together, encrypting it, and e-mailing the
> message out?

See you in jail.

Anyone can get this stuff out of the country surreptitiously.
I think the point was to get it out _legally_, through the law's
_own_ loopholes.  Then they're completely powerless to stop it
or persecute the responsible parties in any way.  It also makes
any further attempts to stop the export of the algorithm
pointless (though I guess that wouldn't stop them anyway--the
government has spent billions of dollars protecting "secrets"
that have long since been leaked by renegade CIA agents.)
