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Re: Faking hostnames and inconvenient anon IP

> Sameer writes:
>  > 	Well starting sometime this summer I'm going to start selling
>  > shell accounts, and I don't plan on spending much time verifying
>  > that there is a TrueName associated with any given account.
> Most (all?) private PO box places won't give out a box without a
> "real" US mail address and some form of ID.  Is this due to legal
> requirements (direct or indirect)?  If so, can we not look forward to
> such restrictions being placed on those who supply electronic PO
> boxes?
> --
> | GOOD TIME FOR MOVIE - GOING ||| Mike McNally <m5@tivoli.com>       |
> | TAKE TWA TO CAIRO.          ||| Tivoli Systems, Austin, TX:        |
> |     (actual fortune cookie) ||| "Like A Little Bit of Semi-Heaven" |