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(Fwd) PARTY: Pre-Extro I conference party 29 April 94
The first annual Extropians conference (Extro-I) occurs 30 April - 1 May, this
weekend, at the Sheraton in Sunnyvale, California. I'm holding a party the
night before (TONIGHT), Friday 29 April, at the Nexus (our house) in Cupertino.
Directions follow this message.
Extropians, cypherpunks, and other fellow travellers are welcome to come to the
party, even if not attending the conference this weekend.
The party starts at 1900.
************ This is potluck!!! ************************
************ You know what that means: ****************
************ Bring food or drink **********************
Discouraged: Salty nachos, icky sweet soft drinks, and other such stuff
Encouraged: Interesting, novel, healthy, tasty foods. Know how to make
something interesting? Do so and bring it! Amara's "Latvian
Pancakes" were a big hit at the last party!
This probably won't be an all-nighter, as the conference starts early tomorrow
morning. Translation: don't expect crash space. Unless I really, really
*like* you. There are good hotels all around.
I reserve the right, along with my housemates, to turn people away at the
door, or eject them at whim. I've never had to do this before, and I don't
expect I'll ever need to. However... this *is* the open net...
Come on along and have some fun in good company. Be seeing you.
Nexus Lite is located at 21090 Grenola Drive in Cupertino. Geoff Dale's
phone number (in case you get lost) is 408-253-1692.
>From 280: Take the Saratoga/Sunnyvale Exit (which is actually the 85 South
detour). Turn north on DeAnza (aka Saratoga/Sunnyvale Road) at the exit (a
left turn if you are coming from San Francisco; right if you are coming
from San Jose). Turn left at Homestead; go three blocks to N. Stelling,
take left (at the McDonalds). (Note: North Stelling is called Hollenbeck
on the other side of Homestead. Don't be fooled!)
>From 101: Take 85 south and exit at Homestead; turn left onto Homestead.
Proceed several blocks (you will pass a high school); then turn right on N.
Once on N. Stelling:
Right at first light: Greenleaf
First left, Flora Vista
First Right on to Grenola Dr
21090 (mnemonic: anagram for Beverly Hills zip code) is a tannish house on
left with a high roof that slopes toward the street.
Park on the street -- in the direction of traffic, or you may get a $15
ticket. This has happened.
OBLIGATORY CRUDE ASCII MAP (not to scale; up is not north):
|| ^ ^
|| (85) | |
|| | |
|| |Hollenbeck |
/|| | |
<----++---/ /-- (Homestead) ---+------------------+------------------>
|| | |
|| |N.Stelling |
|| | |
|| | DeAnza|Saratoga/Sunnyvale
|| | |
<=========/ /== (280) =======] | [================+==================>
|| |
|| |
|| ^ |
|| | | Greenleaf
\/ <----------+-------+----------------->
| |
Flora Vista| |
| |
| |
Grenola | |
<-------------+ |
*=21090 | |
| |
Russell Earl Whitaker whitaker@sgi.com
Silicon Graphics Inc.
Technical Assistance Center, Mountain View CA (415) 390-2250
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