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PGP ban rumor - any truth?

>From: polaris93@aol.com
>To: libernet@Dartmouth.EDU
>Date: Thu, 28 Apr 94 22:38:15 EDT
>Subject: Re: Somethin' Spooky ...
>Errors-To: owner-libernet@Dartmouth.EDU
>Sender: owner-libernet@Dartmouth.EDU
>Reply-To: libernet-d@Dartmouth.EDU
>Precedence: bulk
>X-Mailing-List: libernet@Dartmouth.EDU
>I just purchased Bruce Schneier's _Applied Cryptography_ (John Wiley & Sons,
>1994;  ISBN # 0-471-59756-2;  $49.95).  Worth every cent I paid for it.  It
>covers every single possible aspect of computer information security --
>including a section on the infamous PGP =  the security program Pretty Good
>Privacy," which can _not_ be broken by _anyone_ who does not have whatever
>key you yourself choose for the encryptation on your data.  The next edition
>will _not_ carry that chapter -- the government has stepped in and is
>threatening a court action unless the publishers strike it from the next
>edition.  So get your copy now -- and get one of PGP, because the feds have a
>bill _already_ in the words to make sale, distribution, etc of it completely
>illegal in the US.