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Cypherpunks as lobbying/propagandizing group
From: "Jim Sewell" <jims@central.keywest.mpgn.com>
> I agree with Julie that we need some P.R. for this. I also think we
> should do it by writing and getting the word out.
> However, I think we should form a small informal group of people seriously
> interested in putting together a well thought out document that is factual
> and without emotional flair that a member of the press would respect, could
> understand, and might pass on to the public.
> I want to propose that this small group develop a document to the best of
> their abilities, refine it, and when they think it is ready post it to the
> list for a "final lookover".
[etc., etc.]
> Let me know what you think,
I think this is a very bad idea and not the purpose of the cypherpunks list.