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Rings of Saturn
Y'all are doing real well with the satellite discussion. It may interest
some of you to know that the rings of Saturn were found to be braided in
4's. This blew the hell out of the direction they were going on unified
field theory which predicted they would be braided in 3's. With no
atmospheric refraction to contend with, this was still a rather accomplished
Some of you are thinking very solid on intel sats. Think eliptical orbits
with a pass "on the deck" over 2 target areas, and think multiple mirrored
geosynchonous orbits. With a large target area, enhancement of specific
sections can be acomplished. Also, quit limiting your thinking to the
visible light spectrum. Electomagnetic waves are electromagnetic waves-
just a bunch of rolling circle turns actually.
In case someone eats my lunch on the geosynchonous multi-mirrored
suggestion, take a look at multiple coverage of primary target areas with
large general surveillance able to be enhanced to specific detail in selected
sectors in mind.
BTW- pretty much anything Russkii and nuclear leaks like a seive...
PGP PUBLIC KEY via finger! JAFEFFM Speaking & Thinking For Myself!
* eagle@deeptht.armory.com email info@eff.org *
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