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Re: Apology
"Jim Sewell" <jims@Central.KeyWest.MPGN.COM>:
> I want to apologize to the fine folk on this list that are not Americans
> for my self-centered phrasing. In everyday life you generally don't
> think of other countries and as such I've probably offended someone.
> I in no way meant to imply that everyone is American, that we are the
> most important, or that our political system is the best.
> If I offended anyone I apologize and will try to be more cautious with
> my wording in the future.
That's very good of you, Jim, but we non-Americans are quite used to Americans
forgetting that there's something beyond the 50 states ;-)
The thing about Clipper, DT, etc, is of course that though it will affect the
rest of the world (America leads the world into the information society...),
it *is* hapenning in the US. My signature, that of a non-US citizen, non-US
resident, on an Anti-Clipper petition to the US congress is not likely to be
very useful!
Eventually, all of us aim for a world where, to quote Tim's .sig, national
borders are but speed bumps on the information superhighway.
Rishab Aiyer Ghosh rishab@dxm.ernet.in
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