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REMAIL: BSU Remailers and information availability

     In response to Paul's question, chaos is the primary remailing site 
by virtue of its being my computer under my control.  I have setup the 
following e-mail aliases to make it easier to get information about the 

	remailer-help, remailer-info

		Sends you the help file for the BSU remailers.


		Sends you the list of current remailers and how to use them.


		Sends you the policy for the BSU remailers.

     By the way, periods and dashes are interchangeable, I made aliases 
for both.  So sending mail to remailer.help is the same as sending mail 
to remailer-help.  Note that all of the e-mail addresses above are for 


Chael Hall, nowhere@chaos.bsu.edu