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Re: REMAIL: BSU Remailers and information availability

BTW: For those who can't use finger, send mail to
mg5n+finger@andrew.cmu.edu, and then put the addresses you want to
finger either in the subject or in the body of the message.  (ie
remailer@soda.berkeley.edu, remailer-list@chaos.bsu.edu, etc)

I suppose inserting a little message into all the replies from this
server might be a easy way to get away with a lot of net.advertising. :)
 Putting little sound bites about Clipper, PGP, EFF or whatever might
gain some people's interest, without having to send unsolicited
email/posts like a certain law firm did.  I was thinking of something
like "Oppose Clipper... write to clipper-petition@cpsr.org", but that's
already over with...  oh well, any ideas?