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Re: Different remailer software

Urban Nilsson spake:
> I've just taken a quick look at soda.berkeley.edu's remailers.
> There's several of them, and if I'm now to install one of them,
> what are their strengths/weaknesses? Should I choose hal's
> remailer? Or maybe Nate's? Or hh-remailer? Sameer's anon-
> remailer? The INDEX file doesn't say anything about what
> differs one remailer from the next, just who wrote it...
> Help me out, please!


I thought I wrote up the INDEX with more verbosity than you imply was
there. Let's see.

> hal's.instructions.gz   Instructions on how to use Hal's style of remailer
	Instructions that everyone should read because it outlines the
basics of encrypted remailer blocks & chaining pretty well with good

> hal's.remailer.gz       The code to run Hal's remailer
	Hal's code, rather obsolete and hard to install. Other people
have improved upon it, which are listed below.

> hh-remailer-0.9.tar.gz  The code for the hh@soda remailer
	(hmm, a little out of date.)
	hh-remailer-X.tar.gz -- the current version of the
remailer@soda software, not quite in stable, ready-to-release form,
but it's available if people want to take a crack at running the code
running on remailer@soda.

> nates-remailer.tar.gz   The code for Nate Sammons nates@netcom.com remailer
	I don't know too much more about this one. I think its in C.

> hh-soda-remailer-instructions
>                         How to use the hh@soda.berkeley.edu remailer
> blind-server.docs       Instructions on using Sameer's blind anon-server
	How to use the anon-server I wrote which uses encrypted
remailing blocks. The anon-server isn't quite "open for business"
yet. Wait until June. Hopefully by then I'll have a good client
written as well.

> morpheus-remailer-hack.zip
>                         Additions to a remailer to help with
>                         verification that it is up & running
	I don't know much about this but it is probably obsolete with
the addition of Ray's pinger.pl code into remailer@soda.

> pubkeys.tar.gz          The public keys of a few remailers
> pubkeys.zip             The public keys of a few remailers
	I think these are out of date.

> scripts.tar.gz          Some UNIX scripts to help with remailer chaining
> anonmail.arj            A C++ program to help with chaining
> chain.zip               A DOS program to help with chaining
> dosbat.zip              Some DOS .BAT files to help with chaining
	Various tools

> remailer-install.tar.gz A system to make installation of a r
	An easy to install version of Hal's remailer above with a few
minor modifications. Soon this and hh-remailer will be integrated and
the hh-remailer code will be all spiffy and releaseable and easy to

	Hope that answers your questions.
