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Constitution and Contract [Was: CIA & FBI]


Summary: Unicorn thoughtfully underscores the need for the defense
afforded by strong cryptography and other means.

He writes:

> The federal government rules by the sword, but proports to due so under
> the Constitution.

Thank you.  It's good for a freedom-loving person to be reminded of the
nature of the threat.

The appeal of strong cryptography is that it may help to defend against
those who embrace this deceitful attitude.

> The continued acceptance of the process, the
> participation in elections, the oath that high officials take, the
> amendment process, the continued existence of the three branches of
> government, all lend themselves to the assumption that if not accepted, 
> the Constitution is at least tolerated by the populous and the rulers.

It is for _exactly this reason_ that the freedom-loving person forbears
from willful participation.

> The United States does not claim its authority to be rooted in divine 
> grant, nor in pure power over the people, nor in a quest for utopia, but 
> in consent of the people.

...which is fine for a person who consents.  The problem comes when he
assumes that the authority extends to his neighbor who does not consent.

> > 	John E. Kreznar		| Relations among people to be by
> > 	jkreznar@ininx.com	| mutual consent, or not at all.
>                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

> A Victorian after my own heart.  I think we disagree, if we differ at 
> all, in the application of this theory to grants of authority.

Again, this is no doubt wonderful for a person who grants his authority.
The trouble begins when he presumes that his neighbor, too, has granted
his authority.

	John E. Kreznar		| Relations among people to be by
	jkreznar@ininx.com	| mutual consent, or not at all.

Version: 2.3a
