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Re: Applied Cryptography

At  2:31 PM 4/29/94 -0700, Christian D. Odhner wrote:

>Applied Cryptography could easily be renamed 'the cypherpunk's bible' in
>my opinion. It cost me about US$50, and it was definatly worth it. What
>makes it valuable is that it's focus is on the implimentation of crypto,
>not just the big math. It deals extensively with the different protocalls
>as well as all the major algorithims. I recomend it highly.

I ordered my copy about a week ago from the local Borders; it should be in
fairly soon.  From the discussion here (and the export controls WWW page) I
understand a disk can be purchased with the code on it.  Where do you order
this from?  I tried emailing Bruce Schneier, but he's out of the country
for the next few months, so.....


Bob Snyder N2KGO                                     MIME, RIPEM mail accepted
snyderra@dunx1.ocs.drexel.edu                       finger for RIPEM public key
         When cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl.