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Secure Device updated to 1.2

>Path: news.delphi.com!noc.near.net!howland.reston.ans.net!pipex!uknet!EU.net!sun4nl!tudelft.nl!liberator.et.tudelft.nl!dutetvd!arthur
>From: arthur@dutetvd (Arthur Helwig)
>Newsgroups: sci.crypt,alt.security.pgp
>Subject: SecureDevice 1.2 available (bugfix)
>Followup-To: sci.crypt
>Date: 30 Apr 1994 20:08:06 GMT
>Organization: Delft University of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering
>Lines: 27
>Message-ID: <2pudr6$836@liberator.et.tudelft.nl>
>Reply-To: A.W.S.Helwig@ET.TUDelft.NL
>NNTP-Posting-Host: dutetvd.et.tudelft.nl
>X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL1]
>Xref: news.delphi.com sci.crypt:19554 alt.security.pgp:11466


SecureDevice version 1.2
by Max Loewenthal and Arthur Helwig

Version 1.1's MKVOLUME.COM had a bug when creating volumes bigger than
8 MB. Version 1.2 is a bugfix that solves this problem. Sorry for the

Secdev12.arj is available from:
wuarchive.wust.edu : /pub/MSDOS_UPLOADS/cryptography/secdev12.arj

I've also uploaded it to ftp.funet.fi, but I don't know in what
subdirectory it will be placed. You can use 'SITE FIND secdev' to
search the ALL_FILES database there on your ftp> prompt.

You can also download or file-request SECDEV12.* from Fido node 2:512/56
(+31-15-568396 - 14k4 line)

I probably won't be able to read mail or news for the next 3 months.
Max Loewenthal will be monitoring my mail for me, and reply to all your
questions or comments about SecureDevice.

Arthur Helwig