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Re: Prime magnitude and keys...a ?

> > I can pretty much hint to you that such a thing can't really be done
> > in log base 2 of n time in the sense that I believe I can prove that
> >
> This is a joke right? Why in the world should the base have a damn thing
> to do with the algorithm? A number is a number last time I checked.

I think you misunderstand.  Perry and I are talking about the
algormithm (If it exists) being O(log_2(n)).  That is, "log base 2 of n".
This means that the time taken is proportional to the log to the base
two of the number of keys.

Fascinating as this speculation is, I see no way to craft such
an algorithm.  The nature of the modular space makes "larger"
and "smaller" difficult to distinguish.