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Re: Netscape the Big Win


In article <ac33dc68060210045e75@[]>, [email protected]
(Timothy C. May) wrote:

>The News reader in Netscape 1.1N is as good as the main "separate" news
>reader, NewsWatcher, for the Macintosh, and has some added benefits. For
>example, URLs in News postings automatically show up as clickable items,
>which can be jumped to immediately. (Other News programs _could_ do this,
>and maybe some of them do, but not on the Macintosh, at this moment.)

I won't suggest that others change their favorite programs, but here are
the facts:

- -All URLs in Newswatcher can be accessed by cmd-clicking them.

- -V.A. and Y.A. Newswatcher provides transparent use of anonymous remailers
for both news and email. A feature that most cypherpunks will appreciate
and that Netscape does not provide.

- -In Macs with InternetConfig
<ftp://mirrors.aol.com//pub/info-mac/comm/tcp/internet-config-11.hqx> and
the latest ICeTEe extension
installed, all programs that use TextEdit, such as Eudora and SimpleText,
become browsers that allow instant access to any URL mentioned in the text
just by cmd-clicking on it. Netscape doesn't even come close.

- -- 
- -- Lucky Green <mailto:[email protected]>
   PGP encrypted mail preferred.
- ---
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