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Re: Netscape the Big Win
In article <ac33f977080210043230@[]>, [email protected]
(Timothy C. May) wrote:
>Frankly, one of the great boons of my current setup is that I can
>completely get away from Unix tools and commands, away from my Unix shell
>account at Netcom, away from the arcane commands that vary from program to
>program, away from tin and elm and emacs...my fingers are already
>forgetting the emacs commands!
>(Those of you like Unix, fine. I agree it is useful for many things, so I'm
>not trying to debate Unix vs. the world. Just giving my perspective, and
>apparently the perspective of the many who are adopting the Web browsers as
>their "operating environments," insulated from the underlying cruft.)
Is this the same T.C. May that used to argue vehemently that if it can't
be displayed on a VT52, it was no good? Did a space alien take over Tim?
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