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[EVENT] cheap date w/Bob Dole
Calling All Cypherpunks:
An interesting "special event" just showed up on the radar. Sorry for the
noise if you've heard about it already.
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"Public Policy Issues Forum on Information Security"
(aka "Celebration of 20 years of Public Key Cryptography" 1976-1996)
Cylink Corporation
The Churchill Club
Date & Place:
Monday, April 29 (6-10 PM)
Marriott Hotel, Burlingame (spittin' distance from SF Airport)
$20 for club members
$35 for non-members
Menu includes [mad cow] steak dinner and wine
Cash bar
Speakers include:
- James Freeman
FBI Special Agent in Charge of the San Francisco Region; on the $100
billion annual loss to U.S. business from industrial espionage.
- David Morris
Vice President of Cylink; on advanced security systems needed today beyond
firewalls which are only partial solutions; five requirements a truly
secure information protection system must have.
- Senator(s) Larry Pressler (and Bob Dole?*)
on new legislation (The Encryption Communications Privacy Act of 1996) to
loosen restrictions on strong crypto in the U.S.; need to allow U.S. firms
to export long-key-length crypto.
[yes, Virginia, _that_ Senator Pressler, the one who made the Bottom Ten list]
- Senator Conrad Burns (R/Montana)
on his proposed bill (Promotion of Commerce On-Line in the Digital Era)
which could include preventing government from becoming an escrow registry
[of CFP96 cowboy-hat voicelink fame]
- Congressman Robert Goodlatte
on his "Security and Freedom Through Encryption Act" (SAFE) legislation.
- Paul Raines
Project Manager with the U.S. Postal Service; previewing the USPS
Electronic Postmarking System (1st nationwide use of PKC in a
consumer-based public service, includes a certificate authority registry).
- Whitfield Diffie
- Martin Hellman
- Ralph Merkle
the three inventors/original patent-holders in the field of Public Key
Cryptography on a panel discussing the future of cryptography, 3DES and
"other issues."
If you're planning on being hungry on 29 April, get more info or RSVP and
reserve a seat by calling:
The Churchill Club
2323 South Bascom Ave
Campbell CA 95008
408.371.4460 voice - ask for Lisa (try pressing #0 at the menu)
408-371-4180 fax
There's a suggestion that you _could_ pay by sending your credit card info
over the net (ironically, I see no public key being provided, but that's
AOL for you...). For the foolhardy, the address is: <[email protected]>
Alternatively, you can send it to <[email protected]> or
<[email protected]> ;)
* Sen. Dole hasn't confirmed yet, but he's co-sponsor of the Encryption
Communications Privacy Act, so if there are no high-visibility Senate votes
or major campaign babies to kiss on-camera, chances are he'll paint a
target on his back and kick it with us.
The speakers alledgely include representatives from all three Congressional
legislation groups. Expect the Press to attend.
Other confirmations are still coming in from additional participants.
For the price of a Van Halen ticket, this should be worth a giggle or two.
PGP signature