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OS/2 encryption
I have received a lot of comment about my request for OS/2
encryption...perhaps I didn't make myself clear.
I have already taken precautions (have been, for over a year) to protect
my private documents and email via use of PGP. I simply wanted to improve
the security of my home system overall. I have been alarmed to see how,
in the Wollersheim and Penney court cases, the Church of Scientology was
able to sue people, take custody of their computers, and basically trash
their hard drives. Frankly, I've worked too damned hard on getting my
system just right to have some bozo blunder in and erase things, either
through stupidity, cupidity, or maliciousness.
*That's* why I inquired about disk security. Not because I'm trying to
hide something from Scientology...but because I don't appreciate people
messing around with something that I've worked very hard on.
Deana M. Holmes
[email protected]
Version: 3.1
GAT d- s++ a C++ U P L E- W++ N++ o-- K++ w--- O++ PS++ PE-- Y+ PGP+ t 5
X-- R- tv-- b++ DI++ D++ G e++++ h+ r* x++