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Re: Mandatory Voluntary Self-Ratings

From:	IN%"[email protected]" 13-MAY-1996 23:52:07.00

At 03:45 AM 5/13/96 EDT, E. ALLEN SMITH wrote:
>>	the conservatives won't let people just rate
>> "objectionable" material in order to keep it from them. They want it off the
>> net/world whether or not it's rated.

>In the course of channel surfing, I have once or twice come across
>the Christians ranting about pornography.  They have both legitimate
>and illegimate complaints, but mainly they emphasize the legitimate
>complaint.  PICS addresses this legitimate complaint.

	I've never heard a fundamentalist (there are other Christians than
fundamentalists, BTW) ranting about how they can be exposed to pornography;
it's always others they claim to be upset about. I was raised a Southern
Baptist, so I suspect I'm familiar with fundys.