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Re: [Yadda Yadda Heil Dave] Re: Forced to your knees by Legal VIOLENCE

> I responded to Skippy's on-topic, more or less substantive questions about
> remailers in Message-ID
> <[email protected]>
> This has absolutely nothing to do with crypto, but that's what I
> subscribed to coderpunks for.
> On Fri, 17 May 1996, Dave Harman wrote:
> > Ask our resident "free speech for RESPECTABLE dissidents,"
> > L. [email protected] (racial capitali$t d0g)
> > for a virulent defense of Co$ style tactics against racists.
> > Ask him about SPLC, Seraw vs WAR, Tom, John METZGER.
> I grew up 15 minutes from Metzger and played soccer with one of his kids,
> and he threatened some friends of mine.  I've talked to his sidekick Wyatt
> Kaldenberg about other things, and defended their absolute right to free
> speech on occasion. But other than that, I don't know much about Metzger.
> Skippy seems to have this illusion that I'm some big bad anti-racist,
> which I find amusing. 

Another non-rebutted rebuttal.  I care nothing about yours or
Metzgers personal life, this is FAR ramnificated severity.

And, the anology I made CLEARLY was the similarity between 
Co$ and SPLC; And the VICTIMS: WAR and Wollersheim,Fishman,etc.

> Another WAR/CoS mal-analogy one could scrawl is that Metzger has paid
> about as much of the judgement awarded to the murder victim's family as
> CoS has paid to Wollersheim. But I wouldn't follow that line of reasoning
> myself, since I'm no fan of the SPLC. Maybe they did a good thing in the

And, the anology I made CLEARLY was the similarity between 
Co$ and SPLC; And the VICTIMS: WAR and Wollersheim,Fishman,etc.

> Seraw murder case, but their current suit agaist Pierce's neo-Nazi
> National Alliance seems rather SLAPP-ish to me.  I'm sure Morty would try

SPLC vs WAR set the SHOCKING precedent.

> to justify going after deep-pocket racists by saying that they deserve it
> because the $4.5 million or so that The Order White Nationalist
> Revolutionary [cough] Movement liberated from banks and convenience stores
> has never been recovered, but he's wrong. Sure Bobby claimed to be doing

ADL claimed $50,000 was funneled to NA from the beginning.
No proof whatsoever, as they havn't pressed the matter to proceedings.

> those robberies in the name of the Aryan Cause, but it looks like he
> really spent the money on himself, just like any other "political" crook
> (the Contras, the FMLN, Sendero, the Machateros, the US Congress, etc).

You mean he laundered the money right before his death, and
his hiers got it all?  WOW!  What a Don!

> The SPLC probably has a web server somewhere with more details, but
> there's a minimal amount of information about the case at:
>  http://www.almanac.bc.ca/cgi-bin/ftp.pl?people/m/metzger.tom
>  http://www.almanac.bc.ca/cgi-bin/ftp.pl?orgs/american/war

These say nothing.  SPLC has avoided the net, because
it's two periodicals are so embarrassing to the anti-racists.
You need to go to the library and check up on Klanwatch
for the years 89-93 for the sordid details.

> Tom Metzger's web page (sorry, it's actually John Metzger's web page,
> which happens to carry all sorts of stuff from Tom -- you see, facing a 
> $10 court judgement upheld by the Supreme Court, Tom has sworn an oath of

$10,200,000!!!!   25% of income confiscated for 20 years!!!

> poverty to avoid giving the Zionist Occupational Government any more
> blood money)  is at:

Ignoroid, ALL the Metzger funds are being transfered with
the large mulatto Seraw family as sole beneficiary.
Co$/SPLC political harassment cases are NOT done to
raise funds, but suppress organisation.

>  http://www.free.cts.com/crash/m/metzger/
> -rich
>  http://www.c2.org/~rich/Not_By_Me_Not_My_Views/rebuttal.html

		God grant me the serenity to accept
		the things I cannot change,
		the courage to change the things I can,
		and the wisdom to know the difference