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Re: "Too cheap to meter"

On 17 May 96 at 18:54, Timothy C. May wrote:
> Alan's irony is well-placed. The most egregious repetition of the "too
> cheap to meter" nonsense is George Gilder's "dark fiber" vision...a vision
> of "infinite bandwidth" to all users.
> Guess what? If Gilder's "dark fiber" is ever built, there are a lot of
> folks who will "fill it" rather quickly. Canter and Siegel were just the
> beginning. "Too cheap to meter" goes away pretty quickly.

Remember not-so-many-years-ago when 640k PCs were awsome and a 40MB 
HD was unfillable?

A better phrase is "if you build it, they will fill it (eventually)".


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