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Re: [Off-Topic] "Curfews"


At 09.59 PM 6/1/96 -0400, Duncan Frissell <[email protected]> wrote:

>I'm afraid that some courts have explicitly held that "the child does not
>have a right to liberty but only a right to custody."  That is old law,
>however.  Kids have lost many rights recently too including gun rights, etc.

I've known for a while that I have no rights as a minor. [ironic smilie]

>Of course curfew laws only control the inarticulate and scruffy.  Well
>dressed children (coat and tie for the boys dress or suit for the girls) who

I'll wear a suit if it means I won't get picked up ... :)

>can claim that they are out doing tons of protected things like work and
>school and worship and political campaigning and "trying to save street
>children for Jesus" will not be picked up.  They can also say things like
>"Ossifer, I'm peaceably assembling to petition the government for redress of
>grievances.  It's in the First Amendment.  You could read about it and

You suggest that we minors stand up for ourselves? How odd. I'm sure no one
has ever thought of that before, President Clinton especially. Since any
nationally imposed curfew wouldn't have a leg to stand on in the first place,
this can only improve the situation.

>Home schooled children face this problem frequently and can usually find
>something to say.  Kids older than 15 or so can claim to be "emancipated
>minors."  Parents can emancipate their children by signing a simple
>declaration to back up this claim.  A good idea in any case.

This sounds interesting. What are the particulars of being an emancipated minor?

>"Whose children never got stopped by cops because at 14 they passed for 21.
>Clothing and bearing alone can do it."

I wish I were so lucky. At 15 I seem to pass for ... 12. I guess if the cops
read from right to left ...

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David Rosoff (nihongo o chiisaku dekimasu)                  [email protected]
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