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[noise]Re: The grey lady puts on some boots and rides a horseman or two...

Robert Hettinga wrote:
> I'm listening to the BBC's World Service at the moment, and they're doing a
> feature on pedophiles on the internet, complete with much knashing of teeth
> about encryption and anonymity, along with some lurid stuff about private
> holding cells, and sexual tourism, and slavery. And Lions. And Tigers. And
> Bears. Oh My.
> ... etc... 
> Be afraid, be very afraid. They're coming for your daughters. The BBC says so.

What ******I'm******* afraid of is another Richard Davis coming after my daughters.

In case you don't know, he's the fuckhead who killed 12 yr old Polly Klaas 
after abducting her from her bedroom while her mother slept in the other room.

The man had been in and out of custody for years for violent crimes, and always seemed to get out.

Davis did not use encryption, a computer, the Internet, PGPPhone.  He used her panties.

Internet, encryption, anonymity: bullshit.  
Get the fucking child-murderers off the *streets*