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Re: [noise]Re: The grey lady puts on some boots and rides a horseman or two...

Someone wrote:

> What ******I'm******* afraid of is another Richard Davis coming after
> my daughters.

> In case you don't know, he's the fuckhead who killed 12 yr old Polly
> Klaas after abducting her from her bedroom while her mother slept in
> the other room.

Oh, we know about it all right.  We've heard nothing else on the news
for months on end.  A little war of sound bytes to the exclusion of
the hundreds of other children who were killed by their own parents
during the time we were fed this one-in-a-million occurrence as some
sort of prototypical child danger. 

Someone in "another newsgroup" recently commented that by the end of 
the trial, he was ready to vote the death penalty for Polly's father,
if that was the only way to make the man shut up. :)

Despite such press antics, home is still the most dangerous place 
for a child, and the parents are the most likely perps if a child
comes to harm.  

Being kidnapped out of your bedroom by a stranger probably ranks
below random lightning strikes as something kids need to worry about. 

     Mike Duvos         $    PGP 2.6 Public Key available     $
     [email protected]     $    via Finger.                      $