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Re: Nonsense, absolute nonsense... [Fwd: HipCrime and Spam]

At 09:34 PM 9/11/96 -0400, you wrote:
>On Wed, 11 Sep 1996, Admin wrote:
>> >This is an absurd and inaccurate analogy. The mailBot simply pushes
>> >*mailto:* tags that people have willingly placed on their public websites.
>> >They invite the mail so a more accurate analogy would be that City Hall puts
>> >up a public suggestion box and invites comments. The bot then puts one, and
>> >only one, unsigned anonymous suggestion into the box. It then goes on to the
>You're sending out messages, inviting people to visit your web site, but
>you're using anonymous remailers because... you don't want people to know
>who you are?

Perhaps he's sending out through the remailers...because he can. Its open to
the public. Or perhaps he's trying to get the word out about remailers also,
or perhaps no one but he knows why, and why is unimportant. You can always
make your remailers a private, pay per use club. Then you could control all
the *whys* *whens* and *hows*.

>Then why invite them to your site (or even have a site)? It's
>like if I sent out postcards to people with no return address saying,
>"Please stop by 1313 Mockingbird Lane for snacks and refreshments. Signed,
>A Friend". (Note, this is not my real address.) 

>Only in this case the
>postcards don't have any stamps so the people who receive them have to pay
>the postage. Which is precisely what you're doing: Sending someone e-mail
>costs them time and it often costs them money.

These people have invited the email, and the associated expense, by placing
a public email-to: button on their public www page. A more acurate analogy,
and to the point, would be if a business sends you a postage pre-paid
business reply card, that is blank, and invites your comments on the card.
They can hardly complain of the expense when people actually send it in,
even if they don't like the comments.

>Sending it through an
>anonymous remailer accomplishes four things: 1) People can't complain to
>you to stop sending them mail.

Seems anyone who followed the link can complain to the appropriate source.

>2) It costs us, the International Secret
>Cabal of Anonymous Remailer Operators, time and money for no good reason,
>because you are sending anonymous mail and not making yourself anonymous.

Didn't see any disclaimers on the remailers requiring a *good reason* to use
them. Who would be this Judge of Sufficiently Good Reason? Perhaps you can
write an AI piece that can auto-detect good reason from *no good reason*...

>3) You're pissing off a bunch of people, and the only ones they can take
>their frustrations out on or complain to is us. 

What is the ratio of *pissed off people* to not pissed off people. Likely
less than 0.5% based on how many messages the Cpunks claim went out in a day.

>4) It's giving us a bad
>rap, man, and that's the *last* thing the remailer net needs now.

The saying goes...There is Heat in the Kitchen...

>I could care less about your little applet, or what you have to say; in
>the words of Thomas Jefferson, "it neither breaks my leg nor picks my
>pocket." Until, that is, you start sending it through my remailer, and
>*then* you start picking my pocket. 

>The remailers of the world don't exist
>to provide non-anonymous anonymous advertising, which you could do just as
>well on your own sending forged e-mail headers from netcom.

Now now... forgery is a no-no. And someone always has the freedom to give up
their anonymity whenever they choose. 

>Andy Dustman / Computational Center for Molecular Structure and Design / UGA
>===== For PGP public key:  finger andy@neptune.chem.uga.edu | pgp -fka =====
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