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Bernstein hearing reminder: THIS Friday 11:45AM, SF Federal Building
When: Friday, September 20, 1996, 11:45AM (hearing starts at Noon)
Where: Federal Building, 450 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco; Judge
Marilyn Hall Patel's courtroom upstairs. (two blocks east of
Van Ness Avenue and Golden Gate Avenue, in the Civic Center
What: Dan Bernstein's case to declare the export controls
unconstitutional will hold a hearing in which the judge will
cross-examine both Dan's lawyers and the government's lawyers,
to decide whether to strike down the ITAR and AECA as
unconstitutional, throw out the case, or do something in
Who: me, Dan's lawyers, NSA & State & Justice dept lawyers, the
press, and as many cypherpunks and friends-of-encryption as
will show up. Don't forget your costume! Formal dress is
strongly recommended; you're going to court, remember!
Why: To see justice in action; to hang out with your friends; to be
there while cryptographic history is made; to get your picture
in the Feb '97 Wired Japan.
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 19:30:29 -0700 (PDT)
To: gnu@toad.com
Subject: I've got "go ahead" from my editor
From: Rika <rika@well.com>
I have read about "cypherpunk dress up day" and found it a good
oppotunity to let Japanese reader of Wired know about law suit and
circumustance of encription exporting, as well as actual activity of
cypherpunk people. So far, "cypherpunk" is more like just a image/notion
than actual living people to Japanese.
If I can take a couple of group pictures after the court, I can develop
an article for their Feb '97 issue.
I hope it is ok with you and lots of lots of people show up this friday!
笠原 利香 〒183 東京都府中市白糸台6-13-13
Rika Kasahara POBox 25427, Los Angeles, CA 90025
Voice:+1-310-478-0653 Fax :+1-310-478-0493